Ingredients to Write in Your Journal

Life was not meant to be bottled up forever. You can create a history by answering some interesting questions that will inspire you to write something very important - YOU!

Just write the answer to the posted question either in the comment section of this block or in your own tablet or electronic worksheet. Check back occasionally to find a new question. Or make up your own topics to expand on your own journal.

You can do it. Your journal will grow. You will love it and hopefully have a good time writing.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

1st Journal Entry

Question: What do you think about television?
I LOVE it! And I HATE it.

Hate first: it takes too much of my time. I hate commercials, especially anything that makes me blush or cringe depending upon who is sitting next to me. I hate remotes, especially in the hands of a man. Men tend to change stations whenever a commercial comes on and then forgets to put it back to the original show until five minutes later—thus missing part of the show. I also hate that when I love a program I will watch the same episode over and over again until I can start saying what the characters are saying until it starts to drive others crazy. I hate that the news shows have turned from giving us the news whether it is bad or good. Instead they have become more like a gossip/entertainment show or, worse yet, a let’s see what the host(s) are going to do today—like bungee jump, hide in the world, dance at the Olympics, etc. I could go on.

Love next: I love to watch history shows, especially about the Civil War. I love nature shows. I love shows like Burn’s National Parks series or any of his other series—especially his baseball version. I like Law & Order (the original version) and other cops and law shows, except any of the CI shows. Too graphic. I love NPR. I love the TMC old movies—especially because they do not have commercials. Gil and I watched Ben Hur the week before Christmas. It was the one done in the late 1920s and was in black and white and had sub-titles. It was great. I love that I can get the LDS conferences on it now. I love that I can put a movie in the DVR, put a fire in the fireplace and sit down to do hand sewing/quilting/crocheting and have a great afternoon or evening all by myself or with someone special. I love the company it gives me when I am alone, even if I am not watching it. I love putting in a musical when I am cleaning the house. I get done faster and love to sing along with the musical. My neighbors might not like it, but I do.

Like everything else in life, TV comes with good things and with bad. We just have to regulate ourselves so we do not become obsessed with it. I need to work on my obsession.

1 comment:

  1. Love your comments! I agree with your likes and dislikes! Great ideas for journal inspiration!



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