Ingredients to Write in Your Journal

Life was not meant to be bottled up forever. You can create a history by answering some interesting questions that will inspire you to write something very important - YOU!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Describe a Night at Grandma’s House.

My Grandma from my dad’s side died at a very young age. She died after giving birth to her youngest child. My dad was still a young boy at the time of her death. I do not remember hearing any stories about her at all.

My Mom’s mom, Thelma, was a wonderful woman. I loved going to her house, whether it was for the day or for the week. She was always cooking something—cookies, canning jams, fruits or vegetables, bread. Her house always smelled like something good. I preferred to stay there when there was a lot of staying there, as the kids all got to sleep on the floor in her big living room. That was so fun. I loved my sleep, so I did not take part of all the giggles and silly things that went on into the late night. But being there with my siblings and cousins was a delight. I had such a strong feeling of family during those sleep-overs.

When it was just me, I had to sleep in the front bedroom. I really hated that room, as it was always so cold. Grandma would always shut the door during the day. It was a nice room over all. It faced the east, so it was bright and sunshiny in the morning. It also faced the big garden Grandma had and her apple orchard. It was fun getting up in the morning and looking out to see the yummy things growing out there.

She had a television, but we were not allowed to watch too much of it. During the day we were given chores to do. I loved my Grandma’s Kirby vacuum. Every morning Grandma would ask me to vacuum the living room and family room. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. My sister Anne would be asked to gather the eggs from the chicken coop. I did not like the smell in there, so I was glad that was not my job. I do remember when I was very young going out with Anne and my brother Bob to gather the eggs. Grandma had a lot of chickens, so we had a lot of eggs in our baskets that morning. When we left the chicken coop, Anne and Bob started throwing some of the eggs at the outside wall of the chicken coop. I don’t remember, but I probably was in the fray, too. I do remember Grandpa coming out of the milk barn and caught us. We all got in big trouble for that. I hated them being unhappy with me and would do anything they told me to so I would not have to face their displeasure in me ever again.

We also got to pick the ripe vegetables and fruits. Raspberry picking was the best. We would pick one and eat two. Grandma loved to can raspberries, but she did not get too many to can when we were picking them.

The best of all was having breakfast with my grandpa and grandma. You could smell the yummy food long before it was ready. It was always a big breakfast with lots of bacon, toast, jams, eggs and potatoes. Before we could eat, we all knelt down at our chairs and Grandma or Grandpa would say morning prayers. Boy, could their prayers go on and on! But they always included me, and anyone else there, in the prayers. That always made me feel so special. I think the prayers made the food even better.

I loved those days at Grandma’s house. I miss her terribly and wish I could still go see her.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom,

    I do enjoy reading these and I think they are important to all of us. Especially the kids so that they get to know about your life before they came into the world. Does the blog site allow for updates to automatically be sent to our emails? That way we know when you have put something new in.

    Love you,



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