Ingredients to Write in Your Journal

Life was not meant to be bottled up forever. You can create a history by answering some interesting questions that will inspire you to write something very important - YOU!

Just write the answer to the posted question either in the comment section of this block or in your own tablet or electronic worksheet. Check back occasionally to find a new question. Or make up your own topics to expand on your own journal.

You can do it. Your journal will grow. You will love it and hopefully have a good time writing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Enjoyments then and now - are they the same?

Question: What things do you enjoy doing today that you also enjoyed doing as a child?

I learned to read and then had a book in my hand often. I love(d) to read! Reading takes me to places that I would probably never go otherwise and allows me to me wonderful characters. When I finish a book I always feel very low because I have lost friends that I have spent a lot of time with and will miss. That is why I will often read the sequel, if there is one, to any book I read. I have found, though, that most sequels never meet my expectations.

I also love to create things. When I was very little, I was often found making mud pies. My mother was not happy with this endeavor. I loved working with that medium and would try to "bake" it so I could keep it. Mud does not harden well, though. It breaks when you try to move it. Now I don't use mud, but I do like to create. I like to see a finished project and see what I can do to create it in my own way. I purchase patterns for many things, but I seldom follow them.

I love to make up stories. I have always been a dreamer. I still think the stories in my head are better than anything you would see on TV. Perhaps someday I will write some down and see what others think.

I honestly don't think people change all that much in their make-up from when they were kids. They just change the way they approach things from then.

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