Ingredients to Write in Your Journal

Life was not meant to be bottled up forever. You can create a history by answering some interesting questions that will inspire you to write something very important - YOU!

Just write the answer to the posted question either in the comment section of this block or in your own tablet or electronic worksheet. Check back occasionally to find a new question. Or make up your own topics to expand on your own journal.

You can do it. Your journal will grow. You will love it and hopefully have a good time writing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wanted One Mother

Statement: Write a want ad that describes your mother.

Wanted one woman with refined tastes in clothing and behavior. Someone willing to work long hours and oversee not only a full time job but four active kids without the assitance of others. Someone with a strong, religious background and a support staff for a sounding board. Must have own financial arrangements and car. Must be willing to take chances on advancement and personal relationships. Only someone with a strong backbone need apply.

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